Perfect Opportunities for the Website Checking and More

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If you think about how to design a website’s menu, using different colors will be your ally.Take a look at the picture above. The link in the upper circle clearly shows that we are on the subpage dedicated to children’s articles. How do we know that? Well, the menu item is distinguished by a different color in relation to the other links.

It has been assumed that active links (that is, those that lead to the subpage on which we are currently located) are marked with a different color. You can check this website for the best result now.

In addition, a different color usually has also links that we highlight with the mouse cursor. Thanks to this we know that a given place is “clickable” and when it is pressed some action will take place.

By the way, take a look at what has been marked with the second circle. They are so-called crumbs, of which much more you can read in the fourth point of the text on the user experience of the product page.

Take care of the mobile menu

As they say, last but not least, or menu in the mobile / responsive version of the website.

  • Of course, for a good few years we are used to the fact that almost every service scales to the screen on which it is currently browsed. However, reaching backwardly, the premiere of this technology did not take place a long time ago. In spite of this, some habits have been created among users that are worth bearing in mind.
  • Reflecting on how to design the menu of the website on a mobile device, you certainly think of the so-called hamburger menu.

Mobile menu – hamburger

This is a link that unfolds the entire menu, usually illustrated with an icon consisting of three horizontal bars that can resemble a hamburger.

The basis is that the button is clearly visible. Sometimes, to strengthen the effect, it is also surrounded by a frame.

Is it worth using other solutions instead of the icon, e.g. simply link with the anchor “Menu”? It is difficult to say clearly, because it is good to settle such issues using A / B tests. We certainly would not recommend it in the case of a restaurant website, where the user, seeing the words “Menu”, might not know what to expect display the menu of the website or the menu of the restaurant itself.

How to design a website’s menu to make it user-friendly?

We hope that the above tips on how to design the menu of the website will prove useful to you.

We must stress, however, a very important fact – these are not universal principles. Yes, they concern the most common practices, but there are exceptions.

What’s more, they are often very creative, unusual and even spectacular exceptions.

Take a look here: Menus Inspiration. On this page you will find many navigation examples that break away from commonly accepted trends. Whether they are doing it right or causing embarrassment among users – do not judge me. Everyone can form their own opinion on this subject. Be sure to review the pages highlighted as we are sure that some of the exceptional examples will appeal to you.

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